Mar 28, 2023Liked by Kelly D Johnston

Thanks, Kelly. Well done. Unfortunately, because you speak wisdom and sense, I am not hopeful that progress will be made on this, but the Lord has his ways of accomplishing his good. We in the church need to increase our prayers for our nation.

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Brilliant commentary, and thank you for "going against the grain" and having the courage to actually call transgenderism a mental infirmity, which needs to be treated with compassion, but not aided and abetted.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Kelly D Johnston

Thank you for addressing this, Kelly. I hope you will continue to follow this story

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Jim Hoft over at the Gateway Pundit is doing a thorough job. I am eager to read the 'manifesto.' The trans movement is insidious and malevolent.

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Thanks. Spot on.

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