We're playing with fire when it comes to political violence. A political assassination was the spark that set off World War I. In the competition for America's attention span, politicians are saying things we would all have considered outrageous and out-of-bounds a short time ago. And yet, we continue spiraling toward civil violence. We forget that we lost 6% of our entire population when we fought the civil war. It's not too late to turn back, but that will take a sorely lacking leadership from our politicians. And that is not a comforting thought, is it?

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Great point. A very good friend and former colleague mentioned my failure to mention the Reagan assassination attempt. I wish I'd concluded with it, not because it was political (it was of the insane variety, as we all should know), but because of how the nation, including Democrats and the media, rallied around the wounded President.

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Great message about important issues. Thanks.

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