Sep 11Liked by Kelly D Johnston

Couldn’t agree more, Kelly. Harris was wholly unlikeable and never had to answer a question, and rather than asking the questions the shameless moderators chose not to ask, Trump took her bait repeatedly and chased down rabbit holes. So many missed opportunities to let viewers see what Harris really stands for.

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I must agree with your take. Trump did not use his time wisely. I also agree that it probably did not move the needle much one way or the other. However, Trump continues to whittle away his supporter's enthusiasm, while Harris continues to increase her supporter's enthusiasm. That makes a difference with turnout on election day. People can say whatever they want to pollsters, but nothing matters until those people appear at the polls.

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Sep 11Liked by Kelly D Johnston

Excellent and honest analysis, Kelly. I have concluded that the era of presidential debates is over. We will never have another Lincoln-Douglas marathon of substance or even a Reagan-Carter “There you go again” sound biting and substantive square off. Fake biased journalism and phony ‘fact’ checking won’t allow for it.

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Thanks; you may be right about the end of presidential debates.

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I agree that no minds were changed on the candidates. However, it is clear that minds have changed on whether to continue to watch ABC going forward.

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Great analysis. I couldn't agree more except for one thing. I can't vote for either of them. I'm writing in Mike Pence.

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This election is about Donald Trump and the vast majority of people have their minds made up about him by this point. But there is a group of voters who are on the edge: actual conservatives who do not like Trump's chaotic behavior. They won't be voting for a Democratic candidate not matter who it is. But Trump's rant about people eating cats and dogs is exactly the kind of nonsense that can drive these voters away. Trump came across as unserious, unprepared, and, by the end, unhinged. Harris may not have "won" the debate in the eyes of many, but Trump definitely lost it.

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Thanks for the informed review. I join you in your sadness over an opportunity wasted by Trump and the clear Harris cheering squad called TV broadcasters.

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