Mar 11Liked by Kelly D Johnston

Excellent forward thinking Kelly!! I'd like to think our political leaders have this kind of foresight, but I'm not confident any of them can see beyond the current day.

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Short-term thinking, which plagues both government and the corporate world (especially publicly held corporations), is a curse. For companies, it’s always about the next quarterly report; for government, it’s the next election, or appropriations bill. And the few of us who try to engage in a little long term thinking are too often sacrificed at those alters.

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Great minds think alike. Take a look at this that I wrote four years ago, about how simply repealing the two-track rule would create filibuster reform without changing the filibuster in principle. https://markstrand.substack.com/p/reform-the-legislative-filibuster?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Hi Mark, I hope you are recovering well. I remember your post very well and completely agree. So does Rep. Tom McClintock, who proposed something similar around the same time.

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