May 24, 2022Liked by Kelly D Johnston

In 2016 neither Hillary nor Donald got my vote. The former for obvious reasons, the latter simply because I didn't trust or like him. (Ha, as if I trusted the former.)

In 2020, I still didn't trust him, I worried about the many respected close associates who'd resigned, I abhored his clear narcissism. But who could argue with most of the President's policy decisions, and what better VP than Mike Pence?

President Trump got my enthusiastic vote. In other words, like you, I'm convertible.

The problem for Republicans like us is that too many hang on every word their infallible leader utters.

My fear is the Democrats will one day nominate a war hero centrist (like Jim Webb, who they rejected), and sweep the nation.

I enjoy your essays. Nice to know we have Lancaster, PA in common.

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The best description of the condition of the GOP to date. Well done and exceptionally well written.

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Thank you, Terry, high praise from one of my first mentors.

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