Mar 27Liked by Kelly D Johnston

Perhaps the new bridge will be named after the martyred Freddie Gray...

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Were he completely sane, he still would have no business being president, and never has. He is easily the most disqualified occupant of hat position in US history. That judgment is based on his nearly five decades of public "service", during which he had lined his own pockets to a previously unimaginable extent; he has sold out to foreign enemies; he has lied as a matter of habit; and he has been fundamentally wrong about nearly every major decision before him.

Anyone who voted for him due to Trump's "bad character" is either blinded by ideological commitment, a member of the "Deep State", ignorant, dishonest, or just plain dumb, and those are not mutually exclusive.

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Amen and Amen!

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There are also forms of mental illness where once a person tells a fib or exaggeration, it becomes the truth in their own mind. But it would be hard to rule out dementia at this point. He certainly does not have a good enough memory to be a successful liar.

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