You are absolutely right about people of faith needing to stop hiding their light under a bushel basket. The other side is all up in our faces and we are not responding. The Church has always been united by persecution, but too many Christians miss the subtlety of the persecution that is occurring. The White House knew what it was doing. They could just as easily moved their holiday to Monday following the weekend, but instead they chose to do this on Easter Day. While I am sure Biden supports the trans community, I get the sense that there is someone in the White House given Carter Blanche to do whatever they want, whenever they want it.

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Apr 1Liked by Kelly D Johnston

Thanks for a well thought out article, Kelly. And thanks for the link to Voddie’s sermon. I love listening to him! His sense of humor and common sense preaching is wonderful to hear. I’ve forwarded your Substack to my brother whose children are exposed to the woke culture of California. He’s a respiratory therapist at a Catholic based hospital whose DEI ideology is imposed on the staff. As a believer, he is constantly wrestling with the Marxist ideology of California. A challenge to say the least.

Thanks again. Your Substack is one of my faves.

Oh and Happy Easter. He is Risen.

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Apr 1Liked by Kelly D Johnston

The data from the 2020 losses confirm your comments, even here in TN. I’m fortunate to belong to a church that encourages voting. There is a worldwide conference next week and I’ll be listening for the message to continue to be active in our government. (One of our numbers will likely be in the next cabinet if Trump wins)

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Well, Trump made Nov 5 the Day of Christian Visibility. Let’s hope we take it.

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They just gave Trump more points in the polls.

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