A New Podcast on the US Senate
Dr. Claude Berube, a former Naval Academy professor and author, has launched a new podcast about my former institution, the US Senate.
The most significant trend in social media today is the “long-form” podcast. And any Android or Apple Store visit will reveal thousands of them on practically everything. It’s hard to keep up with the four or five that I subscribe to, including on Spotify and other venues.
Dr. Claude Berube, a former Naval Academy professor and author now based in Maine, has launched a new podcast called “The Senate. " He’s published three episodes already, including his second episode with Senate Parliamentarian Emeritus Alan Frumin, with whom I worked and respect. His newest episode, featuring yours truly, is about the office of the Secretary and some of the key issues in which I was involved.
I’m happy to provide a link to the podcast here. I hope you enjoy it—it might even cure your insomnia.